This is what creativity looks like ...I know, kind of a mess but for much of the last 4 months this workspace has been CLEAN except for packing and shipping supplies for the ever growing Ebay business.
I recently returned from a short trip to Santa Fe, NM, the place I called home for 5 years before moving back to Chicago a year be honest it was somewhat of a reluctant trip, although I was excited to visit my Mom who still lives there, I had no great desire to return to the place where I always felt disconnected. But you know a surprising thing took place....everywhere I went I knew someone...I was in fact....connected....people asked "where have you been?" though I had only been gone a couple of weeks! It was really comforting to know that I had been "visible" to so many people and that I had in fact been "connected" even when I felt like an alien.
The other revelation I had on that trip came from wondering around my Mothers home..a mini museum of my creativity.... the quilts, the art work, all the little treasures I have crafted for her reminded me what I am all about. I had a sudden pang of homesickness...not for a place but for a part of me that has been sadly neglected in the past few months.
And now my mind is a buzz of many it is hard to focus on one, but it will all come together. Right now I am writing a pattern for a vest that I plan to knit, designing my nieces wedding invitations, working on my own interpretation of a Marni necklace I saw and planning the quilt for my bed....and there is WAY more to write from the "confessional booth" in regard to falling off the "froo*gal" wagon...I am not looking forward to that but the story must be told ...."My name is Kathy and I am a clothesaholic" least when I indulged it was'nt was beer!
1 comment:
Welcome back! I'm glad you got re-inspired by a trip back home.
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