08 September 2011

Cute As A Bug's Ear

I am not sure where that expression came from because bugs don't have ears and if they did they could not possibly be cute...but I have heard that expression used in my family for years and that is what came to me when I saw this French vintage piece of signed, original art collage from the mid 60's. The colors are bright and still vibrant against the layers of vintage French newspaper, very unusual. This piece and another by the same artist, Francois are available here in my Ebay store.


Jeanne Henriques said...

Hi Froo*Gal!

Thanks so much for following me over at Collage of Life. I have enjoyed seeing your collections...you have so many wonderfully creative objects. I can see where you get your inspiration from!

I look forward to following. :)

Jeanne xx

iman said...

hi.. i love your blog.. about the phrase 'cute as a bug's ear' i think they call the antenna of bugs - bug's ears.. the antenna for cartoon bugs make them look cute.. :) please write more often, i love your writing.. :)

froogal said...

Thank you Emy! I am working full time and don't have much free time any longer but I intend to keep my blog going until the day comes when I have the time to write again.